Code of Conduct

The following Rules of Professional Conduct and Ethics are applicable to all members of the Association:

  1. The members shall conduct themselves in a spirit of fairness and justice to their clients, the Insurance Companies, and the public.
  2. Members shall refrain from improper solicitation.
  3. No misrepresentation of any kind shall be made to an assured or to the Insurance Companies.
  4. Commission rates shall be fair and equitable, and strictly in accordance with the prevailing custom in the locality, and must, where laws or regulations of insurance departments exist, comply fully with such laws or regulations.
  5. Members shall conduct themselves so as to command respect and confidence. They shall work in harmony with one another, with their clients, and the Insurance Companies' representatives, so as to foster a cordial and harmonious relationship with all branches of the insurance business, and with the general public.
  6. Members must be fitted, by knowledge and experience, for the work they undertake. They must not endanger the interests of the public adjusting profession, or risk injustice to assureds or to the Insurance Companies, by attempting to handle losses or claims for which they are not qualified, and for which they cannot find competent technical assistance.
  7. Members shall not engage in the unauthorized practice of law.
  8. Public adjuster members shall not act as a contractor in the mitigation, repair, restoration of, or act as a salvor of damaged property (as related to First Party Property Insurance Losses).
  9. Members shall be cooperative and assist one another in every possible way.
  10. Members shall not disseminate or use any form of agreement, advertising, or any printed matter that is harmful to the profession of public adjusting, or which does not comply with the rules and regulations of the Insurance Department of the state in which such member is professionally engaged, or which might subject public adjusting and public adjusters to criticism or disrespect.
